Monday, December 08, 2014

ROH PPV Fun but not great

I'm an Ring of Honor fan boy, always have been always will be. I love their product and the way the talent sells out in the ring. Their matches are always fun to watch and last night was no different with Final Battle.

Every year Final Battle is billed as their version of WrestleMania. While the show was good it lacked that moment that sent everyone home talking, like Sting at The Survior Series. Last year ROH used Final Battle to announce the home coming of Chris Hero and it was a great success.

Maybe its because I'm getting older but the blood fest main event between Jay Briscoe and Adam Cole was good it lacked that wow  factor. The tacks in the mouth spot is something that Pro Wrestling Guerilla did during its Young Bucks/World Cutest Tag Team match and it bored me in truth. Seen the staple gun thing in ECW.  

Also expected more from Jay Letheal and Matt Sydal match, while  it had good spots it was sloppy in a lot of respect. The only matches that really had me on the edge of my seats: The six man match featuring the Young Bucks/the Addiction and the Red Dragon/Time Splitters. Both matches showed how great tag team wrestling can be. Maybe the WWE can learn from this event.

Out of a scale of 10, I would give Final Battle a 6.5. 

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