Friday, July 26, 2013

The Land of Terrible Football Players

The Canadian Football League is a lot of fun to watch, but just looking down the rosters its like a list of players that had trouble playing in college or had their own personal troubles. Players like Jonathan Crompton, yes the same player that could not lead the Tennessee Volunteers are collecting paychecks. 

Here is a list of some of the terrible players in the league to our north:
  • Brian Brohm, QB, Hamilton Tiger-Cats: Once watched him get chewed out by his brother when he was at Louisville.
  • Noel Devine, RB, Montreal: yes the same West Virginia running back that used to a huge weapon in Morgantown.
  • Pat Watkins, CB, Toranto: the former Florida State cornerback has found a home in Canada. I wonder why he was not a player in the NFL.
  • Bo Levi Mitchell, QB, Calgary: The former 1-AA National Championship QB has found a home in Canada. I love looking at these rosters it like a trip down memory lane. 
  • Jonathan Crompton, QB, Edmonton: need a I say more. 
  • Tino Sunseri, QB, Saskatchewan: Wow just when you thought that it could not be worst in CFL, the name Tino Sunseri pops up. You can make the argument that Tino was a terrible QB at Pitt and to see him getting paid to play, is just unthinkable.

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