Monday, September 26, 2011

Fox might have something

More then a week ago, Fox tried something new and they were rewarded for it. After showing the Manchester United vs. Chelsea game live on FSC, the network decided to show the game on their regular Fox stations after the local NFL was over.

In Philly it was during the 1 p.m., while in other cities it was the 4 p.m. slot. While showing soccer games on tape delay sounds like a bad idea, it did not turn out that way for Fox. According to industry reports the game had 2.5 million viewers making it the most watched Premier League game ever.

Now here is the question, would Fox be willing to do that every week. So lets the Eagles are playing at 4 p.m. on Fox would they show the Sunday 11 a.m. game on tape delay on that Fox station at 1 p.m.. Traditional stations that have a late game  show infomericals during the time leading up to game and the same thing with an early NFL game with respect to the late slot. Now the ratings might not be the same for a game that features Aston Villa and QPR, but it would increase the footprint of the league on network television and might drum up a lot of interesting. So what's the risk.

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