Sunday, September 12, 2010

It would have made a great epic movie

Wow, where do you start with the Eagles. They lost, 27-20 to the Packers, and that is the most important thing. But after one game there are still more questions then answered.

Is Kolb the right guy? Don't know because he left the game with an injury and was terrible before leaving.

Will they be able to run the ball? Don't know Weaver is done for the year.

What is Mike Vick's roll on this team? It might be a gimmick player or it could be starting quarterback.

Is the defense any good? Bradley got hurt again and while they look good, I don't know if part of that was from the Packers shutting down a little.

The one thing we did learn is that both Brandon Graham and Nate Allen held their own on defense and look like they are going to players on defense. Allen will go down in Eagles history of the Donovan McNabb player.

This game reminded me of the NFC Title game of a couple of years ago against the Cardinals, fall behind earlier and then fight to come back and just come up short. So I guess there is one good thing, we get to do it all over again next Sunday against the Lions.
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