Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Should Rutgers Drop Basketball?

Go back about 10 years ago, many in the Garden State thought that Rutgers should drop its failing football program. Fast forward right now and the football program is reaching heights that many people thought that would never come.

So if the question was asked for one sport why not another. Should Rutgers drop men's basketball. I know this sounds like crazy talk, but lets at the numbers. This is a team that is a total embarrassment. Their games are not competitive, there talent is so bad that they might finish in the middle of the pack in the A-10. Fred Hill's (photo right) Scarlet Knights are 0-7 in the league and are a gruesome 8-51 in his tenure.

Hill was billed as the guy that would get state players to stay home. Top recruits from programs such as St. Ben's and St. Pat's are still heading to school like North Carolina and Duke and this does not look like its going to change in the future. Sure Hill has gotten some good recruits like Mike Rosario (photo above), Dane Miller, and Greg Echenique. But with Echenique having all ready decided to leave the program, Rosario might be next and then a team that only had two talented might have none.

The program needs to start over maybe even leave the conference, fire Fred Hill and hire someone who might know how to coach a team. Right now they might be the worst basketball team in any BCS Conference, its said when Northwestern is a better basketball program then yours.


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