Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I need to ask permission

I'll start this with a simple statement I'm not a Liverpool fan, but I do want them to do well because it's good for soccer around the world. I heard that Rafa wants to sign a player during the window, but first he must check to see if its ok. I know what some of you are thinking, ok he has to check with the board, but over the last couple of weeks that is not the case he would have to check with the variety of different supporters club that represent fans of the teams.

During the last couple of months several of the high profile supporters clubs have complained that the current American owners have not supported Rafa in the transfer makers. Word came out this week that the current owners are looking to sell the naming rights to the new stadium when its build. Its a shame that it will not be called Anfield, but that is the way of the world. After the word came out many supports group came out blasting the plan

""Can you imagine the Nou Camp or Bernabeu being bulldozed by Barcelona or Real Madrid, or Inter Milan leaving the San Siro? You’re talking about football’s cathedrals, and Anfield is one of them. There is too much heritage, history and tradition for it all to be thrown away,'' Graham Agg, secretary of the German Reds official supporters’ club told the Daily Mail. "I just can’t imagine going to somewhere like the Budweiser Stadium to support Liverpool, and I’m sure there are plenty who feel the same .''

You can not have your cake and eat it too. This would be a way for Liverpool to help raise money for Rafa to spend on over rate players. So you can not complain about the money he is given if you are preventing the club from making money that they will be giving to him to spend in the transfer window.

The issue over the proposed naming rights to any proposed new stadium shows the larger issues that is happening at the historic club. Do the supports groups have too much power with the club. All soccer fans agree this is the not the greatest group running Liverpool, but anytime an issue comes up supporters groups associated with the club talk about all of the negatives associated with the idea. I know Liverpool fans are going to be like you are picking on us, I understand that all of these group do great things in the community and I praise them for that, but sometimes I feel like they might be holding the club back.

I wonder if Rafa checked with the different supports groups before he signs Marouane Chamakh in the off season, hey just asking.


  1. Let the Liverpool know that you are after all a well wisher for them.

  2. Not a fan of the club but have great respect for them as a historic club. I just think someitmes the supports group have a litte too much power there. Their history is amazing, but sometimes I feel the groups don't let the club move forward into the 21st century. That was my only point with this post. Thanks for the comment and continue reading.

  3. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I will not agree on it. I think warm-hearted post. Specially the designation attracted me to be familiar with the intact story.
