Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's not easy being Orange

What do Clemson, Tennessee, and Syracuse all have a common, they all wear orange and are looking for a new football coach. Orange seems like the color of doom around college football.
Clemson started the year as a different pick to play for the national championship. Now they are such a mess that making a bowl game seems like it's going to be impossible. They fired Mr. Tommy Bowden and now are looking for someone to restart the program.
Tennessee over the off season went out and hired a new offensive coordinator to change the offense, that has not worked out. The team has no quarterback and an offense that might be one of the worst in any BCS conference.
Syracuse where do you start with them, they are just terrible. No offense, no defense and a coach that could not coach a Pop Warner team.

Usually black is the color of doom, but this year in college football it appears to be orange.

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