Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Professional Tailgating: Labor Day Special

At long last the College Football season is here and like last year the Only Time Will Tell Tailgating Crew will be spending most of at Rutgers University. The season did not start well for the Knights, but the Crew did put in a solid first effort and hopes to improve over the next couple of games.

Home at last

The crew is very well read from College Football to the RNC.

Endy in the Outfield continues to do his best to support his team, despite his teams sometimes letting him down.

Joe Wolf's Vertical Jump shows off the right way to throw a football, maybe Mike Teel should take notice
A new addition to the crew, Nihat Kahveci's long lost friend, grills burgers for the crew

Some tailgaters even used the time to practice keg stands

The gang gets ready to leave for the stadium
The ride over to the stadium is always fun
The walk, how could we forget
Hey coach put me in, I have a helmet on
For more photos of the day go here. For more videos of the day go here. Hope to see you all again at the North Carolina game Sept. 11.

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