Thursday, April 24, 2008

Turning over a new Leaf

It might not have been Hillary vs. Obama, but a decade ago the great debate center on two people that were totally different: Payton Manning or Ryan Leaf. Manning was the quarterback with the great pedigree, while Leaf was the hot shot did from out west with the big time arm.

While watching both during their last season season in college, one thing came to mind, Manning is no better Rick Mirer. The arm was not good enough, the foot speed was terrible and he was just a product of the Manning name, much like Mirer was a product of the Notre Dame name. At the time I thought Leaf was the next coming Dan Marino, big arm, great competitive fire, and could find a way to get out of anything. So before the draft I told everyone that Leaf was going to Canton one day, he had that Wow factor.The Colts with the first pick took Manning and with the second pick the Chargers took Leaf and at the time I thought the Chargers had the better of the deal.
Boy was I wrong, five years after that debate, Leaf was out of the league, while Manning was leading the Colts to all kinds of wins.

Everyone hates to admit when they are wrong but you know what Joe Wolf's Vertical Jump was wrong that April day in 1998.

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