Monday, January 28, 2008

SEC's Power starts in February

Every year fans and talking heads talk about how great the Southeastern Conference is and that can be tied to one thing: recruiting. Every year four or five teams from the league are ranked in the top ten of recruiting.

  • 2006: Florida, Georgia, LSU, and Auburn were all ranked in the top 10.
  • 2007: Florida, Tennessee, LSU, Auburn, Georgia and Alabama were all ranked in the top 10.
This year is no different, with signing day a week away, the SEC has again showed its true colors with three schools in the top four and four in top 15. The drawing power of the conference has been on full display this year as high school seniors like Patrick Johnson (above) and Omar Hunter have switched their commitments after visiting SEC schools. Johnson first committed to Miami and then switched LSU, while Hunter committed to the fat man and Notre Dame then switched to Florida.

One of the things that has made the conference so dominate over the last couple of years is their willingness to recruit other sections of the country. In the past the SEC used to stay in the South to recruit, but now that has all changed. Florida has gone to both Pennsylvania and New Jersey to get top players, while Georgia in the past has gotten both Knowshon Moreno and Kade Weston out of the Garden State.

As SEC teams continue to win BCS Bowl games and National Championships, the conference will continue to win the recruiting National Championship.

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