Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Going Bowling

It's a day for a couch, soda and a TV. Here are some of thoughts on the days bowl games.

  • Love SEC teams that dress in one color like Arkansas in the Cotton Bowl and Florida in the Outback Bowl.
  • A lot of people love the Outback Bowl, but I'm a bigger fan of the Cotton Bowl.
  • The new Arkansas coaching staff needs to fix the attitude in the program.
  • Two run and shoot teams playing on New Years Day, no one ever thought that would happen.
  • Seeing Coach Rod in a Michigan hat and shirt is going to take some getting used to.
  • I think a foot race between Florida's Percy Harvin and Mizzou Jermey Macklin would be something special.
  • Can ESPN Classic show the Florida/Michigan right now.
  • Michigan's Ron English might have written the book on how to beat the Gators, now he is looking for a job.
  • Can someone please give Mike Leach a big time job.
  • Could Illinois be the worst ever team in a BCS bowl, wait that might be the Hawaii.
  • USC and UGA would make a great game, thanks Rose Bowl for not allowing it.

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