Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Gayest Football Shirt Ever

On Thursday night there were some South Florida fans in the stands at Rutgers, but one of them had the gayest football shirt ever. On the back its said Beef Studs, yes beef studs. South Florida is not the Studs they are the bulls so I have no idea where all of this stud stuff comes from.How can any football fan where a shirt like that, I guess his I love Tim Teabow shirt was in the wash.


  1. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Actually you should do your research before posting a post like that because ultimately it makes you look stupid. The Beef Studs is an organization at USF that is very well known for painting their bodies green and gold, they wear bull horns and hula skirts. They support the Bulls in all sports, especially football. That is just their name. I find it very ignorant that you oppose judgment when you are not aware of the facts. Besides it is just a t-shirt and quite frankly you now knowing what your talking about makes you look extremely dumb. Hope you understand why that guy was wearing that shirt and if you still don't Google Beef Studs and Beef Babes.

  2. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Good job retard, you've offically made yourself look like a jackass, like the person above me stated- it's an organization. It's for support of our team, and seeing as how this was at a Rutgers game, you're probably a Rutgers fan.

    This being said, you are just happy to be an arrogant being, and therefore just laughing at it because South Florida has lost two years in a row to Rutgers. Either that OR you're a Central Florida fan, and you are just too sour to accept the fact that UCF has never beaten USF.
