Monday, March 26, 2007


By Endy in the Outfield

How sweet it is in New York City. One week ago everything seemed normal in the city, the Mets had two soon-to-be AARP members on the front end of their rotation and roughly 78 others competing for the last rotation spot. While the Yankees rotation seemed pretty solid with Chien Meng Wang set to be the opening day starter and Carl Pavano staying out of trouble. How fast things can change in New York. With Wang straining his hammy, Andy Pettitte's questionable availability, and Kei Igawa being Japanese it looks as though, GASP!, Carl Pavano will be the opening day starter. Yes that Carl Pavano. The Carl Pavano whom Yankee fans trust and adore. The four year $40 million pitcher who since they signed him has been on the DL with an injured right shoulder, bruised buttocks, and two broken ribs that were suffered in a car crash that he failed to tell his bosses about for two weeks following the accident (hey at least he told them on the same day they were about to take him off the DL for the bruised buttocks). Yes Yankee fans Carl Pavano will be your opening day starter. Oh and by the way it seems like the Amazin's found that fifth starter in 23 year old Mike Pelfrey who's posted a 2.84 ERA in Spring training. Suck on that Yankee fans.

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